Memory Control

The memory control component is responsible for managing the memory of the system. This includes access to device files such as /dev/mem as well as user space interrupts.


MemoryMap Class

class MemoryMap

Represents a memory map for accessing memory regions.

The MemoryMap class provides methods for reading and writing to memory regions specified by a base address and size. It also supports register operations such as reading and writing specific bits within a register.

Public Functions

MemoryMap(int mem, uint32_t mapBase, uint32_t mapSize)

Constructs a MemoryMap object.

  • mem – The memory identifier.

  • mapBase – The base address of the memory map.

  • mapSize – The size of the memory map.

MemoryMap(const char *filename, uint32_t mapSize, int flag = O_RDWR)

Constructs a MemoryMap object.

  • filename – The name of the file to be mapped.

  • mapSize – The size of the memory map.

  • flag – The flag to be used for the file.


Destroys the MemoryMap object.

MemoryMap() = delete
MemoryMap(const MemoryMap&) = delete
MemoryMap &operator=(const MemoryMap&) = delete
MemoryMap(MemoryMap &&other) = delete
MemoryMap &operator=(MemoryMap &&other) = delete
uint64_t *get() const

Gets the pointer to the memory map.

This method reinterprets the pointer to the memory map as a pointer to a 64 bit integer.


A pointer to the memory map.

bool hasError() const

Checks if an error occurred during memory map initialization.


True if an error occurred, false otherwise.

uint32_t memoryRead(Offset offset)

Reads a value from memory at the specified offset.


offset – The offset within the memory map.


The value read from memory.

void memoryWrite(Offset offset, uint32_t value)

Writes a value to memory at the specified offset.

  • offset – The offset within the memory map.

  • value – The value to write to memory.

bool memoryReadBit(Offset offset, Bit bit)

Reads a bit from a register memory at the specified position.

  • offset – The offset within the memory map.

  • bit – The bit to read.


The value of the bit.

void memoryWriteBit(Offset offset, Bit bit, bool value)

Writes a bit into a register memory at the specified position.

  • offset – The offset within the memory map.

  • bit – The bit to write.

  • value – The value of the bit.


The value of the bit.

Private Members

const int mMem

The memory identifier.

const bool mHandleFile

Flag indicating if the file should be closed.

const uint32_t mMapSize

The size of the memory map.

uint32_t *mMap

Pointer to the memory map.

bool mHasError = false

Flag indicating if an error occurred during initialization.

Uio Class

class Uio

Opens a uio device to react to interrupts.

The Uio class open a uio file and blocks. The block is released when an interrupt occurs.

Public Functions

Uio(const char *filename)

Constructs a Uio object.


filename – The name of the file to be mapped.


Destroys the Uio object.

Uio() = delete
Uio(const Uio&) = delete
Uio &operator=(const Uio&) = delete
Uio(Uio &&other) = delete
Uio &operator=(Uio &&other) = delete
void init(const char *filename)

Initializes the interrupt by getting a possible pending interrupt.


filename – The name of the file to be mapped.

void enableInterrupt() const

Enables interrupts.

The interrupt must be enabled after each interrupt.

bool waitInterrupt(std::atomic<bool> *exitSignal, std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> stopTime) const

Waits for an interrupt.

  • exitSignal – A pointer to an atomic boolean indicating if the thread should exit.

  • stopTime – The time point at which the thread waits for the finished interrupt. It is used to stop waiting after a 1s timeout beginning from this time point.


  • true on normal interrupt.

  • false if an error occurred, the thread should exit, or the timeout was reached.

bool hasError() const

Checks if an error occurred during memory map initialization.


True if an error occurred, false otherwise.

Private Members

const int mMem

The memory identifier.

bool mHasError = false

Flag indicating if an error occurred during initialization.